'And I wasn’t on my own as two other police cars had come too, so there were six of us in total to go up. addmefast hack points generator v3 20 exe e1a097fadc Powered by Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Siberian Mouse (Masha Babko) MSH 1-st-studio PHOTO 2016. Initially sceptical, Jose asked the family to accompany him back into the apartment. 1st Studio Siberian Mouse Masha And Veronika Babko Avigolkes by. 'From that point on, terrible phenomena started to appear in the house.' 'I asked him why he thought it was happening and he replied that they’d had a daughter who used the Ouija board and then she was possessed and then suffered a terrible death. It was something dreadful to see,' he recalled. 'They said that it had been a terrible time -that pictures had been flying off the wall, that the picture hooks were jumping out and plates were flying through the air. In an interview given to Spanish television in 2012 to mark the twentieth anniversary of the Vallecas case, he relived the moments he arrived outside the apartment block to find a 'nervous and anxious' family unable to go back in. 12 A Spanish TV show takes viewers inside the family home which many believed to be haunted by a demon